Impact lab part 1

Impact lab is the third step in the mobilization process offered by the Swedish Energy Agency, Formas and Vinnova. The first lab takes place physically in Stockholm on May 4 and the second digitally on May 17. The lab is aimed at those of you who lead the work of writing a proposal to form programme within Impact Innovation.

Future programme within Impact Innovation must contribute to system innovation in the direction of a mission formulated by the actors themselves. This is expected to happen by exploring and applying new methods and tools based on several system perspectives.

Impact lab shall contribute with inspiration and insights into the guiding principles for Impact Innovation. On two occasions, you will have the opportunity to practically test thought models linked to complexity, system perspective, system innovation and mission based on your own program idea.

Impact lab part 1, May 4th

Contents: During the morning you will be introduced to and get to work with different complexity models to explore what different societal challenges are due to and how they should be responded to. During the afternoon, we focus on tools to map and understand system factors and system actors around a societal challenge.
Date and time: May 4, 2023, at 09.30-15.00 (including lunch)
Location: Vinnova, Mäster Samuelsgatan 56, Stockholm
Registration: No later than April 28

Note that the notification is made in the form of expression of interest. We recommend the participation of the person who leads the writing of a proposal to form programme within Impact Innovation. On this occasion, we offer one place per initiative.

Register for Impact lab

Impact lab part 2, May 17th

Impact lab part 2 will be held on May 17. Read more and register here


Cassandra Marshall, Vinnova och Judit Wefer, Formas,

Program announcement on Vinnova’s website