Together we transform Sweden for the 2030s

Impact Innovation tackle the great challenges of our time. With progressive actor collaborations in private, public and non-profit sectors in Sweden we address actual needs with innovative solutions. Heading towards a desired society. Transforming for a sustainable 2030s, and onwards.

The world cannot continue as up to now. Going forward staying within the planetary boundaries is imperative. Sweden is no exception, big challenges require of us to think innovative and do differently. And time is short. A sustainable transition can only happen if we change the society fundamentally. Cities, agriculture, production, consumption, and value chains, housing and transportation, our way of life and how we value existence. 
Impact Innovation is a mission-driven commitment, designed to identify the best solutions, occurring in the meeting of different perspectives, new ideas, collected experiences and cutting-edge skills. Increasing the pace of transition. 
Based on ambitious objectives and plans, innovative companies and organisations aim at a desired future, make bold decisions collaborating for positive technological development, attractive and accessible communities. A sustainable daily life. To get ahead internationally and show to that transformation is a must for competitiveness. 
Exactly how to get to this desired future, what it looks like and what it is like to live there is for us to find out. It is a journey that needs to be done, and where everyone needs do their part. The decisions made by companies, organizations and individuals today will affect generations to come. 
Impact Innovation now takes its first important steps on the journey towards a greener industry, strengthened competitiveness, sustainable and healthy societies is underway. This is only the beginning.  

Sweden’s innovation investment for the 2030s 

Sweden has since long excelled in invention, new tech and society transformation. Continuously largely investing in research, excellence and innovation to remain in the forefront. Impact Innovation is an innovation investment for the 2030s and in Sweden’s progress, growth and competitiveness. In in-depth international collaborations is also created opportunities for increased resilience and security.  

Impact Innovation’s programmes together span production, consumption and value chains, community building and transportation, and good and equal health. They mobilize actors from business life, industry and industry organizations, academia, research institutes and the innovation system, municipalities, regions, interest organizations and civil society. Committed to make transformation happen. 

The five programs within Impact Innovation

Impact Innovation transforms Sweden with missions

Working mission-oriented is a new way of collaborating to tackle the great challenges of our time. A lot has to be changed in a short time to make life better for more, now and in the future. Impact Innovation has the ambition to find the best solutions. 

By gathering actors from different operations, organizations, industries and sectors, in collaboration for a desired future, a common mission, Impact Innovation enables a positive development. 

In joint mission ventures companies and organizations make long-term commitments and brave decisions, exceeding imminent business interests, for change and competitiveness. And to transform the systems impacting society. 

New insights, ideas and solutions arise in the meeting of perspectives and needs, challenges and conflicts of interests, community assignments and agendas, experience and excellence. 

The actors in Impact Innovation’s programmes work towards missions, and to make a difference in people’s everyday life. Moving towards a sustainable Sweden, attractive to live in for everyone. 

About Impact Innovation 

  • Impact Innovation is a joint initiative by the Swedish Energy Agency, Formas and Vinnova. The initiative is based on Agenda 2030, the EU’s mission and social policy objective. 
  • When Impact Innovation has reached full funding, the turnover will be approximately SEK 1 billion per year. Where half of the funding is from the state and half from the program’s actors. 
  • The investment is based on the research- and innovation bill “Forskning, Frihet, Framtid – kunskap och innovation för Sverige”. In this, the authorities were tasked by the government to develop the work with the strategic innovation programs. With the objective to make the programs more clearly contribute to transformative change and sustainable development. As a basis for global competitiveness and societal benefit. 
  • Impact Innovation is to accelerate Sweden’s transition to a sustainable society, strengthen its global competitiveness, and position as a strong and established innovation country. 

Follow us in transforming Sweden 

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