Impact Innovation – that’s how we get system change in practice

Welcome to a seminar during Innovation Week about Sweden’s next big innovation venture, Impact Innovation. How can the public sector contribute in the best way, and what can we learn from Denmark, which launched a similar effort in 2022?

Impact Innovation is the name of Sweden’s next major innovation investment with a view to the 2030s. A strategic and long-term gathering of forces where together we solve global societal challenges. Up to five programme will be selected starting in March 2024.

All programme are gathered around each challenge goal, a mission, which a group actors develops together. In order for the programs to be successful, it is required that the constellations of actors are broad. Actors from business as well as academia, the public sector and civil society need to be involved.

How can the public sector contribute in the best way?

In order to drive the social change required to achieve sustainable development, the involvement of public actors is necessary, not least in matters of governance and regulations. What is needed for the innovative power of the public sector to be fully utilized in such an extensive effort as Impact Innovation?

What can we learn from Denmark?

A year ago, an effort was launched in Denmark that has many similarities to Impact Innovation. An innovation program that uses mission-ions as a method to change the manufacturing industry “Decoupling 2030”. How has the first year been and what can we learn? Christian Bason from Danish Design Center participates.

Organised by: Energimyndigheten, Formas och Vinnova
Date and time: Tue 3 Oct 2023 at 15:00-16:00
Where?: Mäster Samuelsgatan 56, Stockholm (Vinnovas office) or join webcast

Register for event


  • Christian Bason, Danish Design Center
  • Jakob Hellman, Save the Children
  • Tomas Bokström, Social & Health Impact Center (SHIC), RISE
  • Jenny Elfsberg, Vinnova
  • Moderator: Judit Wefer, Formas

Read more about Impact Innovation

Denmark’s effort Decoupling 2030